Sunday, May 26, 2019

The concept behind what I'm doing here is to start with some songs that are fully written . . . but still need some production. I'm going to upload demos from 27 different songs that I've been working on over the years. Some of them will get polished and will become B-sides. Others will become songs that end up on the next record. Now that the technology exists - its really easy for me to upload and replace a demo with a newer version. So - if you are listening deep like many of you do - you'll get to hear the changes between versions and see the evolution and how I get to a final version of a song.
So - with bandcamp - if you are to purchase now - you'll have access to all 27 demos and their evolved replacements as they happen.

The older replaced versions might not always be available via bandcamp - so if you like something and get attached to it - download it. . . or at the very least make note of the date code if you need to hit me up for it later.

What I'm hoping to do - is take any of the proceeds that I do get and use them to either fund new merch or some software plugins that I'll use for mixing and advanced production.

~eMpyre ramireX