Friday, July 9, 2021

I told myself in when it was time to renew the galactic dust domain for 2021 that I needed to use it more so that I could justify the cost. So far its working out how I hoped. I don't like to post too often but definitely more than once or twice a year. I've posted 5 new tracks to Bandcamp this year for OverDue Save Points. Made to Shatter, For a Reason, Treasure Map, Groove Beams and Chompin Pellets.

Made to Shatter: when COVID started I played video games for the first few weeks and quickly got back into music. I was playing a gameboy classic that I never beat as a kid. I needed to learn one of the songs on guitar. So I started playing guitar very seriously again. After some amount of time I started trying to write on guitar again. Not a whole ton really struck me until this. I did start a song last year on guitar for my daughter. More to come on that later though. I wrote some lyrics a few days before the riffage and this is some of it. "Made to shatter hopes and dreams
I've gotta throw, away everything I know, everything I think it should be
Gotta let the past die even if it's part of me

For a Reason: I started this back when I was doing shows still for Self-Made Loner. It came together pretty quickly and I love the guitar in the 3rd verse.

Treasure Map, Groove Beams and Chompin Pellets: In 2012 I was trying to do 1 song a day based on a story that Nikola shared with me from when he met one of the Final Fantasy composers (I think?). It was about writing a song per week, then a song per day, then a song per hour. I did these over a few day span along with another one called Kessel Running. I'll post that one eventually. When I named Treasure Map it was shortly after I re-connected with a childhood friend of mine. He moved from the Detroit area to British Columbia when I was maybe 12? We used to write each other letters. One time I sent him a treasure map with something that I burried in the large yard that connected to my backyard.

In addition to that I've been posting a countdown to Riot Fest with my favorite hand pick bands and a short review. I've put these on the StM facebook page and Twitter.

I'm hoping to get the Golden Stickers printed soon. Possibly Shirts and Posters for Self-Destruct Code.

For the first time since 2012. I feel like I'm back in the cut. Thank you very much for your patience and support.